It’s the best feeling when you meet someone and your work resonates with them. Resonates enough for them to want to buy it and take it home.
But how do we deal with those days when we feel really discouraged? When it just doesn’t seem to be happening and there are too many voices saying why don’t you get a proper job; one that makes you real money?

Well here are some thoughts….
In Advise to a young artist, Faith Ringgold writes:
“You have to recognise that there is no secret to attaining any kind of prominence in the art world… you have to work hard at what it is that you are doing… and if people don’t like it now don’t worry about it, they’ll come round later. Do the work and keep doing it. Maybe they will like it but you have to love it. When you love your work, you’re going to persist in it. Don’t change it to please others. Please yourself and eventually you will be successful at that. We need to see what you see. It’s unique, it’s your work, it’s your life, it’s your vision.
As an artist you must raise your voice and tell your story.”
Nicholas Wilton who does a brilliant inspirational podcast called Art 2 life said
“The beautiful thing about art is that it transports us to new places. One glance and the viewer is instantly invited to experience a world they have never been to before”.
Nicholas’ whole ethos is that art making is the process of becoming more yourself. Your authentic self.
The marketing guru Seth Godin states “If you can bring someone connection or peace of mind you’ve done something worthwhile”.
In the film The Electrical Life of Louis Wain there is a beautiful quote … “I think Emily wanted you to keep painting pictures… so you would not be alone. When you paint, you connect with other people and you give yourself a piece of yourself but they are also connecting with you…. And that electricity that you describe, I’d call that love”.
Similarly, Louise Fletcher, who does another of my favourite podcasts Art Juice wrote .. “I am coming to think that art’s main purpose is to show us that we are not alone. We look at art or listen to music or read poetry to find ourselves in the notes or the words or brushstrokes. We want artists to express their experience of life in a way that illuminates ours”.
Finally Louise Bourgeoise is straight to the point:
“Art is a guarantee of sanity”.
That’s more than enough to keep me going. I hope you take inspiration in these words too.
Thank you. That’s really encouraging
That was a worthwhile, inspirational read. I am glad I read it and wish you wealth and happiness. Yes wealth isn't everything, but it's good to have some/enough. I did buy one of your paintings and it gives me pleasure. Thank you.