I do so enjoy a good immersive experience and the new Delight exhibition near Borough market was no exception! It consists of 12 zones of which you can wander through at your leisure.
The second zone entitled “631” is incredibly beautiful… its 631 lanterns trace the change of light in Seoul transitioning from deep red sunset to pre-dawn blues to the warmth of sunrise.
It’s the perfect antidote to the longer nights.

The room that took my breath away was Zone 10 which is dedicated to The Moon and entitled “Homage and Regression”.
We are told that The Moon “embodies balance, harmony and profound wisdom. The artwork masterfully melds the moon with the “yin” attributes of water, earth and femininity conjuring sentiments of rejuvenation, life force and genesis”.
As you watch the moon rise and fall you are surrounded by the sound of tidal waves.
Let me share with you this poem by @spiritdaughter
Lessons from the Ocean
Go with the flow
But crash when you need to
Be beautiful on the surface
But have depths far below
Touch as many foreign lands as possible
But belong to none
Sparkle all day
But be reflective at night
Be soft
But unstoppable